Consignment Policy

Declaration Defense Consignment Policy

Eligibility: Firearms will be accepted for consignment at the sole discretion of a manager or officer of Declaration Firearms LLC. Consignment space is limited and only quality firearms in very good or excellent condition and valued at a minimum of $400 will be accepted.

Ownership: By signing this agreement, the consignee is signifying they are the sole legal owner of the property.

Fee: There is no initiation fee to put a firearm up for sale at Declaration Defense.

In Store: Upon sale of the firearm, 85% of the sales price, after expenses, if any, will be forwarded to the consignee. The remaining 15%, after expenses, will be collected by Declaration Defense. 100% of the sales tax will be withheld by Declaration Defense.

Duration: Consignment guns must be sold within 4 months. After 4 months they will be removed from the showroom floor. The customer will be contacted and instructed to pick up their firearm. Failure to pick up unsold firearms within 6 months of the initiation date will result in the firearm becoming the sole property of Declaration Firearms LLC.

Pricing: The consignee and an officer or manager of Arnzen Arms will mutually agree on an initial sales price for the item. This will be based on the fair market value of the item with adjustments made for the item’s condition. The seller can lower the price at any time, but no more than once per month.

Transfers: The firearm must be entered into the Acquisition / Disposition database (“bound book”) upon receipt. If the item is picked up by the consignee, the consignee must fill out Form 4473 and pass an FBI NICS background check before the firearm can be transferred back to the consignee. $40 fee will be accessed to the consignee. If the firearm is sold to a third party, the transfer would proceed in the same manner as the sale and transfer of a new or used firearm. The normal fees associated with these transfers will be waived as part of the consignment agreement

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